Lithuania - Russia I


Lithuania - Russia I

After the disappointing visit of the Polish -Russian border, I started the last part of the tour: the border between Lithuania and Russia. From the tripoint PL-RU-LT the border goes over land until the Lake Vištytis. I had a permission to enter the border area from the Lithuanian side, so I didn't expect any toubles. I started my hike at the tripoint and went up to lake Vištytis.
On this page the first part until the new watchtower, on the next page the second part.

III-1 20140407 Near the tripoint
It's funny that's it's forbidden to take pictures from the Polish side into Russia. However when you take one step into Lithuania, you are allowed to take the same picture. So here a look at Russia (left) and Lithuania (right). The border is in between. The fence is inside of Russia to avoid curious tourists.
In the middle you can see the open space, most of it on Russian side. The machine is removing bushes and small trees in the border area on Russian side.
III-1 20140407 100 meters ahead
The Russian fence bends further inland and cannot be not seen anymore. The border itself is barely visible althouhg the open space is rather wide.
III-1 20140407 First borderpoles
The first Lithuanian - Russian border poles. No sand strip, only open space. These poles look very new. Both Russian and Lithuanian don't have a number yet. Anyway, the first results of the agreement to demarcate the border between these two countries. In the past when here were borderpoles, this was section 1. I think they will call this pair 1.1
III-1 20140407 Second pair
A few hundred meters ahead I found this second pair. Also brand new and not containing any number. Should be pair 1.2.
III-1 20140407 Activity
On the Russian side there was much activity during my visit. Trees were chopped and carried away by trucks. Other trucks were bringing sand to improve the inspection roads.
III-1 20140407 Activity
Interesting picture: A Russian excavator working on the road. The 'gap' in the Russian wood is the start of the road that you will find evetywhere along the Russian - Polish border. Not accessable and it's the start of the no-go zone on the Russian side.
There is only the real bordermarker and the Lithuanian pole. Should be 1.3. No Russian pole here yet. Notice also the small sign on the Lithuanina sign indicating 'Stop'.
III-1 20140407 Fourth pole
The almost straight inspection road continues. Until this pole was placed, it was barely possible to recognize the real border. I assume this will be 1.4.
III-1 20140407 The next one
Again a lonley pole, 1.5. It looks that there are only two 'double' poles south of the Lake Vistytis. Notice the small sign on the Russian side. What would be written on that? I will never know...
III-1 20140407 Old watch tower
On the Lithuanina side, there is an old watch tower. It's not in use anymore. The high trees take away the view to the border.
I didn't draw this on the map.
III-1 20140407 Lithuanian pole
Again the next lonley pole, 1.6. And again a small sign on the Russian side.
III-1 20140407 Duckheads
It's summer now and rather dry, but the area here can be swampy I guess. Long and new duckheads are constructed as inspection path. I'm glad I could use it!
III-1 20140407 Duckheads
The path on the duckheads continues. No border poles here but in the distance I see the next two copies. When I approached the end of the duckheads, suddenly an active Lithuanian watchtower appeared. That's on the next page.

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