Slovakia / Ukraine, border markers 101 - 110

<< 101-110 111-120 121-130 131-140 141-150 151-160 161-170 171-180 181-190 191-200 201-300 301-375 HU-UA RO-UA

Bordermarkers 101 - 110
In the middle between Ulic and Ubl'a. We are on about 470 meters and it's rather open and flat here. So after all long and steep hills now a very hiker-friendly border area.

Map 101-110
Halfway between Ulic and Ubl'a.

Border marker 101
On both sides of the border a wide open strip. We didn't detect any activity, which doesn't mean we were not noticed...

Border marker 102
... so we didn't dare to pick up the Ukrainian shield which was fallen from the border marker and now lied paciently on the (Ukrainian) ground.
What a pity...

Border marker 103

Border marker 104

Border marker 105

Border marker 106

Border marker 107

Border marker 108
The next Ukrainian candidate to loose its shield.

Border marker 109

Border marker 110
Down again.

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