SK-UA | HU-UA | RO-UA | 0001-0034 | 0057-0064 | 0065-0071 | 0089-0099 | 0103-0110 | 0478-0485 (PMR) | 0519-0524 (PMR) | 0608-0800 >> |
Map Clocușna area TEXT.
Border marker 89 We started at this border marker pair along the closed road between Clocușna and Hvizdivtsi. When we arrived here, two of Igors colleagues with a Kalashnikov appeared. They were talking while I was taking some pictures. I wonder when this road was closed. In 1991 Moldova and Ukraine got independent from the Sovjet Union. I guess the road was closed shortly after these independencies.
Border marker 90 The border runs short along the Ukrainian village Hvizdivtsi.
Border marker 90-1 Some very old and creaky fence with bared wire has to prevent you from illegal border crossing. On the background a sandy road, not a sand strip. You don't see that much sand strips here. On the second picture my guide Igor.
Border marker 91 The border turns to the east. Here the small village ends as well.
Border marker 92 On the Ukrainian side woods, on the Moldovan side there are fields.
Border marker 93 TEXT.
Border marker 96 94 and 95 we skipped. Igor was not very willing to hike long ends. If I had been alone, I'd certainly visited them. This pair we visited from the border crossing Clocușna-Sokireanî.
Border marker 96-2 Again a small village on the Ukrainian side.
Border marker 97 In the village the border makes an angle to the south in the direction of the Ukrainian side of the border crossing Clocușna-Sokireanî. No protection of the border here.
Border marker 98 This pair is situated at the Ukrainian side of the local border crossing Clocușna-Sokireanî. On the background you see the small customs office. The second picture shows the Moldovan customs office, which was about 400 meters from the border.
Border marker 99 The border runs over the railway line and then along the railway line. The line is in use for freight traffic. |
SK-UA | HU-UA | RO-UA | 0001-0034 | 0057-0064 | 0065-0071 | 0089-0099 | 0103-0110 | 0478-0485 (PMR) | 0519-0524 (PMR) | 0608-0800 >> |