Eastern border Estonia
The Land Border and the River Border

In summer 2015 during the Baltic Border Tour I visited some small parts of the eastern border of Estonia. Quiet and lovely areas, fields, woods, water, nature. I did some research work to compare the infrastructure of this border with other Schengen-borders. The higher you come in the North, the less tention at the eastern border.
In the months after my trip, I got the idea to follow the whole eastern border. Starting in the South at the tripoint with Latvia and ending north of Narva. A project that will take some years but on the other hand the (land)border is relatively short.
During my summer 2015 the authorities of Estonia were not that strict: I wasn't allowed to enter the sandstrip or to cross the border if there was no sandstrip. I had to look on my GPS if I wasn't sure. That was all.
When I prepared my trip for April 2016, the rules for me had changed a bit. The State Border Act mentions that you have to respect a distance of 10 meters from the state borderline. Not an easy task if you want to follow the border. It meant that in most cases I couldn't use the inspection paths scince these usualy run only until 5 meters from the real State Border.
This handicap could cause delay in my hikes and to avoid unpleasant situations I announced all my visits to the headquarters of the Border Guard Organisation in Tallinn and to the local Border Guard Services. They would not be surprised when they noticed me in the vicinity of the border. This approach worked all the times and luckely for me, they were not hunting for me to see if I always respected the 10 meter zone until the last centimeter. In fact, the Border Guards were always very polite and helpful. When I met some of them during my trip along the border, usually they immediately knew who I am. Never a bad or harsh word. I'm sure they noticed almost every move I made.
The main thing for them is, don't cross the border, keep a safe distance and don't cause any trouble. For me those are the main principles which I allways will respect. It's my experience that this is the best way to behave in these sensitive areas.
So, I april 2016 I made the first three days' trip. I started at the tripoint in the south-east and ended near the small village Sirgova. I found most of the 160 bordermarkers of the country east of Estonia. Only some I couldn't take a picture of, because they were located at the other side of a river or at the swampy edge of a lake.
In those days Estonia just started to place own border markers. During my later trips (October 2016, April 2017, July 2017) more and more markers were covered by a Estonian copy. In May 2017 the last Estonian border markers were erected. So my collection of pictures contains a mixture of spots with only one marker and spots with also an Estonina markers.

The land borders starts at the tripoint under Misso, there you will find border marker 1.
The land border ends at Popovitsa / Värska, where you find the last land border markers 538.
There the lake border starts which runs through Lake Pihkva, Lake Peipus und up to the Narva River.
The river border runs over the Narva river via Narva/Ivangorod to Narva-Jõesuu where it ends in the Baltic Sea. This part of the border is covered by the border markers 539-682. I didn't follow the border through the lakes as there are no border markers on land: the border is indicated by buoys in the river.
In 2022 I made a trip along the Narva river to visit the bordermarkers 539-682 which are erected there. Not all of them were reachable for me as some of them are located on small islands in the Narva river and on the terrain of a power plant.
It was however very impressive to be in the city of Narva where the border is so close to the civil world. You feel it everywhere.

If you ever have the stupid idea to visit parts of the eastern Estonian State border, please don't do this without proper preparation:
- get in contact with the Estonian Border Guard Service first to discuss your detailled plans;
- always keep a distance of at least 10 meter from the State border;
- respect all 'SEIS' (Stop) signs;
- in all cases: be aware that the Border Guards Service has very sophisticated methods to trace you: you will only experience this whenever you break any of their rules. Big brother is watching you. Penalties are high, you will loose their good-will and their confidence. So be warned!
- never cross the State Border! The other side of this border is under control of an inhuman and rude country. If your faith is in their hands, then you are at the mercy of an army of robbers, rapists and murderers.
Border markers 12 and 13 can easily be seen and approached from the road.
And as long as 'Saatse boot' is not exchanged and become Estonian, the border markers 448, 465, 466 and 486 in the vicinity of 'Saatse boot' can also be seen from your (running!) car.
Also a high number of border markers along the Narva river is easily accessable. With binoculars you can also see the border markers at the other bank of the Narva.
I hope you will enjoy the pictures.

If you want more specific information or pictures in high resolution, please contact me any time.